A $20 late fee will be assessed for any registration after February 28th. Please note – players registering late are not guaranteed to play on his or her school team and are subject to being placed on other teams to fill/balance rosters.
Registration is planned to be closed March 3rd. Determination made based on number of players per team in each league.
The 2025 Smittys Youth League spring baseball will take to the fields from early-April to late May again. Practices will tentatively start the first week of April, weather permitting, and games soon after. The league is open to boys and girls that are in the 1st through 6th grades* during the current school year.
Teams are made up by school attendance and current grade level. There will be three divisions of play: Rookies - 1st/2nd grade, Minors - 3rd/4th grade, and Majors - 5th/6th grade. *(New this year, we allow seventh graders who are not eligible for U13 (birth year of 2012) baseball in the summer to register to be placed in the Majors). Each division will play 8 to 12 games including a season ending tournament. All age divisions will use a pitching machine.
Teams are coached by adult volunteer parents. The success of this league comes from the help of its volunteer parent coaches. Any parents interested in helping coach, please indicate so on the registration form. Players will be contacted by his or her coaches after teams have been assigned and coaches meeting held. Any special request by parents will be looked at on a case by case basis prior to teams being formed, but not guaranteed depending on team limitations.
The registration fee is $75 for one player, $135 for two players, and $190 for three players in a household.
Please note – players registering late are not guaranteed to play on his or her school team and are subject to being placed on other teams to fill/balance rosters. For more information email ahasmittys@gmail.com or visit aberdeensmittys.com or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
This registration session will allow you to complete contact information, sign up for participation, and submit payment.
Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately.
To complete registration through our secure site, please have your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or ACH Bank Account information available.
The indoor facility is for use by our registered summer baseball athletes. In order to use the facility you must have paid registration fees, picked up your raffle tickets and completed the indoor facility waiver.
Parking at the indoor is only allowed in front of our three doors #106, #108, #110, or the street to the east. Anyone parking in front of other tenants' doors, their cars will be subjected to being towed.
Click Button Below to Donate to the Aberdeen Hardball Association (Aberdeen Hardball Association is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization)
Thank you to our Generous Corporate Sponsors!
Email: ahasmittys@gmail.com
Please verify all game schedules ahead of time before heading to the game, times and dates are subject to change at any time.